A fighting technique in which a handful of coins is forcefully launched towards your opponents face by punching the coins towards them.
"The only way to flex on someone while styling on them is by doing the +Fist Full of Dollar"
To gain profit or start from nothing and have a major outcome
Aye bro you get rid of that yet? Nah bro not yet but you know I “turn a 50 to a dollar” I get it gone
When a employee checks to see if a dollar is real or fake
Bob: Hey Mark that black lady was dollar checking my bill.
Mark: Oh wow
A dollar that will not go into a vending machine.
*Le shoves dollar into vending machine but gets rejected*
Me: Oh jesus christ you're a faggot dollar!
This is an utmost act that you will not find in the Kama Sutra. To those who know what a Cleveland Steamer is or the more advanced Cincinnati Steamer, the Gold Dollar Crepe takes crappy jokes to a new level. A Gold Dollar Crepe is when you are relaxed and laying down. A young child in diapers or pullups has not been freshly changed climbs up to your head and repeatedly sits in a bouncing motion on your face or head.
"Daddy is taking a nap, go wake him up with a Gold Dollar Crepe"
A large sum of money received by a movie star as the result of a lucrative back-end deal; refers to the earnings of Robert Downey Jr following the success of The Avengers.
"I hear the hold up on signing Harrison Ford to the new Star Wars movie is because he's gonna want Downey Dollars."
When you have a friend that is close to you and acts straight but is really gay or bi and trying to get closer to you
Omg Emily is Jackie’s zero dollar friend and Emily doesn’t even see it #LOL