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Verb: When you go out to drink margaritas and eat delicious Mexican inspired food.

Are we margar-eating tonight?

When we go to Salt and Lime to margar-eat, we are never disappointed.

by Rileythebest January 1, 2021

eating cd's

When a singer sings a song live and it sounds like a studio version

omg she sounds so good, shs must be eating cd's

by donutuseurealname May 8, 2019


The act of eating a more readily accessible type of food while concurrently pursuing a more difficultly procured food product. This is done in order to save time and/or avoid boredom.

The dining hall was serving salad, paninis, and pizza, the latter two of which had significant waiting lines. Johnson wanted a salad and panini for lunch, so he grabbed a salad and ate it as he stood in line for his sandwich.

"Dude, you're totally meta-eating right now," his friend said.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Johnson replied.

by suffers_the_dining_hall_experi February 13, 2012

Eating iron

To eat dicks or S a D

Malc malc loves eating iron

by Malcmalc July 21, 2014

Eating with McGraw

When you go outside to eat in the bitter cold without any coat.

Wanna go out side and eating? We'll be eating with McGraw

by peacefulcheast31 December 18, 2019

Eat the bear

The act of 'motorboating' a man's hairy chest. Gaining his scent. Immersing yourself in his must.

Girl 1: he's so hairy, it's sexy af
Girl 2: did you eat the bear?
Girl 1: OMG I wanted to!

by Minibreebee June 26, 2018

Eat a shoe

Said toward someone when they are being mean or annoying to replace a more hurtful phrase e.g. Fuck off/ Piss off.

Ashlee: ‘You look like a potato’
Hollie: ‘Eat a shoe


Ashlee: ‘Josh called you a bitch today’
Hollie: ‘He can eat a shoe

by Awoogahhhh47 January 18, 2021