-Emos reach the peak of their agony, the resulting tears throw the world into flooding for 40 days and 40 nights.
Iron Age:
-Roman businessmen went bankrupt when people preferred seeing emos beat up rather than watching gladiatorial fights.
Middle Ages:
-The Mongols flipped out and started killin everybody because their tribute of concubines from china turned out to be a bunch of emos (guys and girls, the senders couldnt tell the difference) who broke every time a mongol tried to hump one.
-buddhists went celebate after deciding that relationships with emos were too much of a pain in the ass since they kept whining about how they "wont call the next day", how they didnt say "i will love you forever" back and how the buddhists didnt show much interest when they tried to make them read the dark poetry the emos "poured out my emotions for you" into.
-Aztecs decide to use emos exclusively for their sacrifices since they were more fun to watch, the gods, also enjoying the spectacle, reward their subjects with unparalleled riches.
-Emos illigitimately infiltrated the samurai bloodline, and thus spread the habits of not being able to fight for shit, being afraid of christians, and killing themselves when the going gets tough, they popularize the term "harakiri" for the aformentioned activity coz it sounds more poetic than "seppuku". the resulting pussiness renders the country so weak it is conquered by foreigners and decimates the samurai bloodline (the contrary could be the reason for ninja superiority and kick-ass ways of life...lesson: never mix with emos, its true they're easy but come on...is it really worth it).
-Spanish conquistadors render native americans helpless by showing them emos, emos are just too fucking sorry a sight...
Imperial Age:
-The Marquis de Sade discovers the full use of the emo.
Modern Age:
-The united states embarks on the largest and most brutal cleansing operation in history, they launch a massive campaign on europe and japan, especially the latter, in the hope that they will kill all existing emos, the campaign is covered up and an excuse of their actions is sold as "World War II", the campaign failed miserably as americans had not realised that the largest emo concentration lied in their own lands.
21st century:
-With accusations that emos could be close species to humans, emo hunting goes down and they begin to thrive.
Future speculation:
-Due to increasing emo populations, and increase in being annoying fucks, people grow more impatient to their existance (except emo sympathizers, pussies who claim that emos are blessed with being in touch with the emotions of the universe, a.k.a. my ass) people speculate that a new world order will rise to rid humanity from their revolting existance...and all their pussy bullshit.
Do you really need an example of what an emo is ?
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emos are people who listen to punk or hardcore punk, they were black alot and hang out in small groups listning to music. Some are deppressed and some arnt im an emo but im not depressed so fuck off stupid chavs who fink that we all want to die slowely!!
were all emos:-
im an emo, my mate ben, my mate nicole, and the rest of my mates
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emotive hardcore- what emo stands for. emo is NOT short for emotional. An emo does NOT sit at home all day slitting their wrists. It is a following of emocore, hardcore, or scremo music. derived from the 80's typically there kinda geeky scene kids, but instead of being shallow and self centered they prefere to stick to things that are more important and meaningful.
some one who is emo doesnt care they get shouted at (by chevs) that there odd
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Any one of any age. Does not neccesarily mean depressed (like Goths). Don't want to kill themselves. DO have dark hair (not greasy) and are often pale, from not going outside much. They like bands like Green Day, Good Charlotte and White Stripes (I would know). Only a very small percentage of emos kill themselves. Emo is also a genre of music, like Good Charlotte sings. Some people think Emos are hated by everyone. I get bullied at school for being one.
Horrible Teenage Girl 1: Hey, she's an Emo!
Horrible Teenage Girl 2: Omigod! I hate Emos!
Horrible Teenage Girl 1: Me too! Let's bully her!
Horrible Teenage Girls 1+2: Yo ugly! Whys your hair so Greasy? You an emo? So when you gonna kill yourself? Here's a knife. Why don't you kill yourself? Would you rather kill youself with knives or hang yourself? When you do kill yourself, don't expect anyone to come to your funeral. We all hate you. Let's see your wrists, see if you cut them. (grab hold of wrists)
Emo Girl: No, leave me alone!
Horrible Teenage Girl 1: Why?? You HIDING somethin?
Emo Girl: No! Just leave me alone!
Horrible Teenage Girl 1: I think your hiding something. I think you DO cut your wrists.
Horrible Teenage Girls 1+2: *LAUGH!!!! HAHAHA!*
Emo Girl: *runs away. bumps into emo guy. they go back to the girls*
Horrible Teenage Girl 1: Ooh, look! The Emo has a friend! And it's Daniel! (emo guys name). Watch out Daniel! You might get FLEAS off The Emo!
Emo Guy: Shut up and leave her alone! I'm emo too, but you don't bully me. We're the same. Say those things to me. If you dare.
Horrible Teenage Girl 1: Oh, yeah? We're not scared of YOU!
(Emo Guy's group of large emo / goth 4th year friends come up. Girls look scared.)
Emo Guy: You scared now?!
THE END of story/
This is a true story. About me.
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welllllll.......... Emo mean's Potato in japan so all you whom label yourselves as emo are potatos HA!!!!!!!
american emo in japan: I'm so emo
Japanese person: A potato?
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There are two kinds of emo:
1 - Fake emos -
"Fake emos" think they have to wear tight clothes and have black hair to be emo.
2 - Real emos -
"Real emos" have real problems and dont always look how fake emos look. Real emos dont try with all their might to get attention for their problems but, pretend to be happy with the occasional cry for help.
Fake: O.M.G. My life SUCKS.(Lieing)
Real: Aw, cheer up emo kid.:)(Dying inside)
Fake: My life is a black abyss.(Drama queen)
Real: Its a twisted world, my friend.(Still dying inside) :)
Fake: No one understands.(Overreacting)
Real: Hmm .. Well thats nice. :) (Pretty much rotting inside)
(Real drops something)
Real: *Sigh* My life sucks sometimes. :(
Fake: God, Life doesnt revolve around you! Other people have problems too!
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One of the many pointless stereotypes. Anyone who labels themselves as emo, scene, prep, or whatever are all the same. They just act different.
Get a life, and be yourself emo. I know everyone says to but you should listen. We ALL should.
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