Sky (Male/ Female) is a very compassionate good-natured individual; where they are afraid of saying no. Most Sky(s) are usually taken advantage of. They are also very closed minded, valuing high marks to prove their capabilities and worth, rather than seeing it as a way to improve. Most are stubborn, where they don't value feedback, and most likely defend or not own up to mistakes.
Hello Sky! Can I see your work Sky? What did you get Sky? Are you gay Sky?
that repellent disgusting thing doesn’t even know theres probs a phobia under her name. Unless her name is google, she can stop acting so smart and eat her heart out.
i recoiled when sky made eye contact with me.
Sky is a smart, beautiful, and responsible girl. She knows what needs to get done but endlessly procrastinates. She will always make you smile/laugh. She has a lot of connections so if you do her wrong she will tell everyone. If you are her friend and she tells you deep things, you are a very special person. She keeps her love life to herself but always have something to talk about. Literally NO ONE can live up to her level.
"Sky will make your day just by being herself"
the name that is hot asf and everyone loves her/him so much they usually are the hottest ppl ever
“im gonna hang out with sky see you later” “LUCKY SKY IS SO HOT”
The large sometimes blue thing above your head
Friend: Have you seen how blue the sky is today?
Me: Yeah it's really pretty
Its the sky, do we need further definition? DO WE?
"Look at that sky"
"Are you kidding me"
When you look up all you see is it.
Sky is one reason to live. It gives you courage, comfort, strength, hope, faith. Most of the time it is light blue with clouds in it. It can also be dark or full with colors making it magical. Sky is huge. It takes over the world. It keeps it beautiful. The view is always amazing. No matter the weather, it is nice to look up for a moment. You forget all your problems, all those things that drain your energy away. You look up and forget it all. It's just you. You feel alive. That sensesation that makes believe you want to fly. The sky is not something to take for granted or to ignore, even though people tend to. It is one of the many reasons that life is beautiful and worth living. Just for that feeling. So next time you go outside, take a look at the sky and let it ease your heart.
"I feel empty"
"Look up then. See the sky. You will find your answers"