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country Music

A music style that used to be about "Cowboys" and "Tractors" and shit. The music was almost always made by a fiddle, acoustic guitar, harmonica, and/or a chello.

Now, country music is basicly just badly done rock-guitar pop-ballads (or repitive piano pop-ballads) with such themes as "My Wife Left Me", "Im Leaving my Husband", "my Spouse is Dead or a thousnad miles away and i am lonley", and "Drinking Songs", sung by untalented Males who all try to sound the same, and females who either sing like a hurt timid female, or a Strong Independent Woman Who is Leaving Her Boyfriend For Some Unknown Reason.

Hell, modern country wouldnt even be considered country music if it didnt include that stupid highpitched country noise (i cant describe it. If you have heard country music, you know what im talking about) made by some unknown instrument.

"The Devil Went Down To Georgia" is country music.
"I love this Bar"

by Metal Head June 24, 2004

834๐Ÿ‘ 527๐Ÿ‘Ž

musical soulmates

people who are magically, musically in love...

Stephy and Callan are musical soulmates

by gurllygirrrrl January 8, 2010

15๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dance music

1) Music originating from america in the 1960's. Created for people to dance to, with a prominent bass line and clever loops and samples. The most innovative style of music around today, encouraging new and varied ideas to emerge into the mainstream only to be knocked out of the charts by some pansie pop group or boyband who's records are bought by young girls.
Note: Dance music is not pop music. People who think that this is the case have never heard real dance music. pathetic people who call themselves djs by producing a re-make with a heavy beat and female vocals do not produce dance music. they produce poor quality pop.

e.g. Fatboy slim, Fischerspooner, Cosmic gate, etc etc

by samstorm December 5, 2004

76๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

penis music

penis music

penis music

by ComfyDev August 25, 2021

26๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Danger Music

Music based on the idea that some music could cause physical harm. Extremely unpleasant noises are the norm, with side effects of listening include: deafness, physical injury, possible death.
Most danger music live shows get cancelled before they begin, same reason as you won't organize a public massacre. Otherwise, attendees need to sign before entering so the musician can't be sued.
Listening guidelines:
Don't. Unless you regularly enjoy YouTube earrape and/or extratone, on a daily basis, of which you may have a chance of survival.

Guy: I found out this genre called Danger Music! Let's listen!
1 minute later, he was found dead in his room with severe bleeding from his ears, which were damaged. Several police personnel were deafened due to the danger music playing from the computer. Body sent for autopsy.

by A dying goat September 4, 2019

world music

Songs with lyrics that YOU do not understand.

Bwanbale: Why you lisaan to Ugandan opera, ha? Wha iz yo problam, brotha?
Chad: Be quiet and let me enjoy my World Music!
Bwanbale: That's nat wha we call it heah!

by Mark Leung Hates You January 10, 2018

Country Music

A genre of music that haunts many souls. If you live in the Southern part of the United States and hate the genre, you are pretty much asking for death.

Northern Person 1: I guess its your turn to choose the music for the car trip.
Southern Person 2: Okay, I know exactly what to put on! *Turns on a Country Music Playlist, and Big Green Tractor begins playing*
Northern Person 1: *Crashes car due to the horrible music blaring through the speakers.*

by ThatDudeTwentyTwo October 13, 2021