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Herb Cookie

A gay character from the "Cookie Run" games witch has a lot of fangirls and just wants to plant flowers. ( herb cookies are actually a thing and they are literally cookie with leaves in them)

person1: Hey, i made some herb cookies!

person2:You made wHaT

by idk who i am either December 3, 2021


She's my bunny. I was hungry when I came up with her name and a female bunny is called a doe so.... She is a Holland Lop so that means she has floppy ears. She loves fruits and vegetables and likes to drink water from a bowl like my dog, Guinness. She has 2 bad legs tho, but she is still amazing and it is not that rare.

Cookie-doe is cute.

by MemeWolf October 3, 2020

comparing cookies

the act of showing each other ones genitals.

Last night my girlfriend and I were comparing cookies, she showed me her cooter so I presented my one eyed walleye. She said mine was small, and I swear hers was a monster.

by Jboner September 11, 2013

Crooky cookies

When your at a friend or relative's house and the cookie something super disgusting but you pretend you love it and you say to yourself I gotta crooky cookie it which means you got to get out of there now

(* this is discusting I better crooky cookies this or I'm finna die*)

by Xxmeowmeow. January 25, 2019

Cookie Ninja

Someone who is extremely proficient at stealing cookies without being spotted, regardless of how many people are in the vicinity.

Guy sees cookie.
Guy reaches for cookie.
Cookie disappears.
Guy cries.
Cookie Ninja has won.

by DLTZ April 28, 2013

Cookie Cutting

The act of doing anal and poking a turd with dick so a cookie cut if the turd goes into the urethra.

I was cookie cutting my girl last night.

by Archibald Barnabus December 16, 2018

Cookie smack

vagina punch, only "playful"

It was kinda weird, but I sure didn't mind the cookie smack.

by cookie smack September 10, 2013