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Shoe Laces

1. (n.) Long strings of salivation, which hang from the jowls of dogs; usually occurs when the dog in question is watching his/her master eating something that seems rather delicious (example: pizza, ice cream, chocolate, hamburgers).

Sophie: Ew! You're dog's drooling!

Lacey: It's cause the food we're eating is so delicious. She smells it, and drools like that.

Sophie: They look like shoe laces!

Lacey: Because they are.

by Schizophrenic Cannibal Lemon September 3, 2009

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shoe gazer

shoe gazer (SHOO gay zer) n., pl. -ers 1. synonym for emo. 2. gerund: the physical posture an emo assumes while listening to emo music

example 1: Dude 1: Yo dude! What's up with that chick? Why is she staring at the ground like that?
Dude 2: She's listenin' to emo music dude, she's a fuckin' shoe gazer.

example 2: A group of 10 shoe gazers committed suicide at the Morissey concert last night.

by Nedd Ludd September 2, 2005

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Throwing shoes

To have sex, to make love, to f*ck

"Did you throw any shoes this weekend?"
"Yes, but I never throw shoes without socks
"Yeah i love throwing shoes!"

by Only in your DREAMS November 13, 2007

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bitch shoe

the act of inserting one's foot (not necessarily part of sexual act) into the partner's/a girl's ass and walking around with her like she was footwear.

"bitch, be my shoe!"

"man, my wife got me so upset i bitch shoe'd her around the living room."

"my girl wanted me to bitch shoe her last night but she didn't fit, i'm a size 11, she's like, an 8."

by KA at TFW2005 May 8, 2008

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clown shoes

someone who is big and bent

fuck off clown shoes

by blenny February 23, 2005

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Clown shoes

Very large feet.

All the women wanted to get to know the 6'5 baller since he wore clown shoes everywhere, they were the only size that fit. He also had a catchers mit on each arm so the men planned his early funeral.

by Solid Mantis August 8, 2016

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The shoe horn

Remove penis from vagina so that a "popping" noise occurs.

When I give her the shoe horn she goes nuts!

by ferkyferk21 November 23, 2011

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