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Noob Launcher

Another word for the rocket launcher in halo 2 , which contrary to the rocket launcher in halo ce that took timing and aim to use takes no skill whatsoever to use due to the lock on and autoaim funtions added to the halo 2 version . It is generally whored by noobs who are also oftentimes only ten years old and have squeaky annoying voices .

Random noob - "OMFG I got a double kill with the rocket launcher ! "
STK Psychray - "....No ... really ?
H20 Lightning -"LOL noob launcher ."

by SGTYORK June 25, 2005

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get noobed

when you make fun of someone or if you kill someone in roblox you say get noobed this word was first used in gamer egypt when they said GET ANOOBIS making fun of anubis

haha u have no robux GET NOOBED

by spaz bat October 9, 2019

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Noob Tube

A nube tube is an under barrel mounted granade lancher use in the Call Of Duty games. They are called nube tubes because they are easy to kill with and typically only new people use them.

DUDE! Grenade out of no where?!?! NOOB TUBE!!!

by Illitterate idieot May 2, 2011

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nOOb pwns

The reverse of pwning nOObs. To pwn nOObs someone would humiliate or "own" a novice or bad player. While to nOOb pwns you use elementary or basic tactics in a game to beat people who are veterans or pride themselves in their ability to game.

This can occur many video games but mostly first person shooters such as COD, Halo, Counter Strike, etc.

COD player: This tenth prestige was trying to drop shot me with a PPsh and i just walked up and knifed him.

Friend: Wow way to nOOb pwns

Halo player: This level fifty General naded me and then attempted to jump bash me. I took out my energy sword and nOObed him hard.

Friend: Haha he thought he was gunna pwn you too.

Halo player: i know that pwn just got nOObed real bad.

by whyisqwertyuiop[]\taken August 31, 2009

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noob sauce

A term used to describe more than one newbie, noob, or nub.

Veterans use it to say they are out to get that noob for doing something.

A general area of where noobs participate in.

Noob - 1 4/\/\ t3# r0<x0/2!!1!
Veteran - I am going to add you to my noob sauce!

Wrong - Look at all the noobs over there dancing! Eww!
Right - Look at the noob sauce over there dancing! Eww!

by Chris Carducci January 25, 2008

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Epic Noob

Like a noob, except even more annoying

"wtf, that noob just killed me in CoD4 and were on the same team. What an epic noob"

by biker9075 December 26, 2008

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noob cannon

a gun that most noobs use and get cheap kills with, like the ppsh in Call of Duty

omg noobs stop using the noob cannon!

Call of Duty: omg russian noobs get a real gun

by michael scullin May 11, 2006

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