Korean name part- can either be used for the last name or as part of the first name (in Korea, the last/family name comes first, then the first/given name)
English examples of Korean names (that I made up):
Bae Joowon
Jung Baemin
Moon Seungbae
Describes a boy/girlfriend a pisses everyone that doesn't have a boy/girlfriend off
She's my bae
Before anyone else. Term used to describe a person they care deeply for but not necessarily their gf or bf. Person they put before others even themselves. Would do anything for their bae.
I love you bae. Text me later bae.
Danish word for poop and or a name for your significant other
It stands for, "Before anyone else." However, people use it just to explain girlfriend or boyfriend. Which is stupid unless you put them before you.
It is ancronym which means, “before anyone else” in simple English it means some who you put above all else it could be a parent or even a best friend but it’s mostly used to describe a boyfriend/girlfriend
Bae stands for: Before Anyone Else.
Uhm... In a sentence..... For me, CRIMINAL MINDS IS BAE! Criminal minds is B.efore A.nyone E.lse.