Where you violently and roughly get fucked by all the members of the front, phrase said by "sissified men" asking for some action in a group or unit position.
Particularly includes three men or more in per setting, with the phrase user being on the submissive role.
Another word to use for a female’s breasts. This is a good substitute and slightly classier than tits, jugs, boobies, or bitties.
Guy 1: Dude did see the girl they hired?
Guy 2: No?
Guy 1: Yeah some white chick with no ass but some great front hitters. I hope she comes by and talk to us.
Guy 2: No girls ever talk to me, I think it’s how I carry myself
When a situation, appearance, or overall state of anything is oriented correctly and is aesthetically/visually pleasing.
“Hey man, is my tie straight?”
“No it’s not BEAKS FRONT”
Vagina with pubic hair
Look at that hotty! I bet she doesn’t have a furry front bum!!!
When you literally bite someone from their front side. A way of showing love and affection. Its another version of blowjob except you bite it. It could be for a male or female if you know what I mean.
I was front-biting him afterschool
Giving a blowjob on your knees while eating a tide pod
That front load washer sure made my dick shine
Giving a blowjob on your knees while eating a tide pod
That front load washer sure made my dick shine