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re poo poo

esfdsfdsfesdfs go die in a hole

re poo poo is a stupid word

by re poo poo in a hole June 7, 2021


the act of toking again after you already toked earlier

John: "yo im faded as fuck"
Bob: "u tryna re-fade?"
John: "bet"

by ur mamas face January 29, 2025


Endless movie sequels to the endless stories of Vampire Lust mainly focusing on teenager angst and played by photo-shopped 30-somethings.

Shane and I saw that re-vamped "Twilight 18: Breaking Wind" and think the series may have finally run it's course.

by Bart_Mann March 18, 2012


Snap out of that Icky mood.

It's time to re-attitude.

by MaddyRosie April 27, 2011


What you do after de-toxing for something specific. The exact opposite, in fact, of de-toxing.

David ran the marathon at the weekend in under 3 hours, so now he's re-toxing to get back into shape for normal life.

by dfmturner May 12, 2010


To re-trick is to hook up with someone online whom you've already met and hooked up with before at least one time.

Sorry, I've already fucked you once and I don't re-trick.

by Jdavisduncan October 23, 2019