The cheap rich bastards who cut corners and get people killed
Make sure we check the safety system fully, we would hate to get caught in The Rush Crush and get the company sued
SONG RELEASED IN 2020 BY SHEET MUSIC BOSS at 164 bpm in E minor
You both start at different ends of a sewer drainage system and once you meet at the same man hole cover you fuck eachother while your heads pop out the sewer
Derek found Christina in the sewer finally and they spent the night rush hour 2ing it.
The tendency of a government to make policies and regulations that cause people to suffer and or die in larger numbers and or sooner rather than make policies that reduce people's suffering. This issue can be seen very frequently when the government is dealing with taxation, corruption, disease outbreaks, water and air pollution caused by hazardous waste, etc.
Hugo: The government keeps raising taxes every year, even though they know that large numbers of people may be driven into homelessness and may not be able to afford the resources they need to survive. This may lead to many people enduring unnecessary suffering. Why do they keep doing this every year?
Alan: Because many of our political leaders care more about their agenda than the actual needs of the people. They could have tried to make a new revenue source that does not rely taxes to generate income to help eliminate the need to raise taxes every year, but they are lazy and argue its unnecessary; when in fact it should have been done years ago. This issue is an example of the Rush to Die Phenomenon.
The art of being so bad at pro clubs that you are forced into retirement and no one cares.
A ball comes into the box in 90th minute for Kian Rush and instead of scoring a header you scream “bicicleta” and proceed to miss the ball attempting an overhead kick.
The traffic rush during curfew hours. All the minor drivers have to hustle home so they aren't pulled over.
Sally- "You're leaving? It's only ten forty. Stay and party. Thomas just brought up a new case"
Dan- "Yeah, I can't, not if I want to beat the few rush."
for instance "tonight i'm going to get absolutly chicken-rushed by my boyfriend tonight" "i'm going to shave my chickenrush tonight"