Source Code

Stinky Finger Analysis

Smelling your finger after asshole fingering a person/or youself, to ensure your fingers don't smell like butthole.

"I forgot to do the Stinky Finger Analysis so my boss could smell the butthole on the papers I handed to her."

by kimbopotamuz April 8, 2010

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Stinky Twinkie

Another name for human waste product:commonly known as feces, faeces (spelling difference) or stool

"Oh dude, someone left a stinky twinkie in the toilet. Learn to flush!"

by McLange October 21, 2008

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stinky thumbs

this is a freakin rip, katie zeng.

I just called you stinky thumbs.

by B'jackoff November 18, 2004

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stinky peach fish

A hoo ha of sorts. In other words, a woman's vagina.

Her stinky peach fish left a stain on my friend's couch.

by rusty squeezebox June 14, 2008

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Stinky Pinky Promise

A stinky pinky promise is when you make a pinky promise but instead of traditionally kissing your hand, both people stick their tongues in the hole that their fist makes.

"I stinky pinky promise you that I'll buy you taco bell if you beat me in this video game." *both parties perform the stinky pinky promise*

by CpKlutch June 12, 2017

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stinky stranger dick

Something shannon gets all the time

"I'm so tired of stinky stranger dick"

by Theactionbutton April 29, 2018

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Alex did a stinky

When you've farted and everyone thinks it's your mate.



*sniff sniff* Did you do a stinky?

Shut up. I'm off to read comic books

Err, Alex did a stinky

by DimeBagDarrell June 16, 2015

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