Sugar plumping
verb: o be the die-hard hype person; to over- complement your mate; to be the forever cheerleader
Friend 1: “Hey friend, why do you look so sad?”
Friend 2: “All me kids call me fat.”
Friend : “You’re not fat, you’re sugar plump.”
Example 2:
Friend 1: “Hey mate, you look so beautiful today: you’re like a unicorn and a mermaid made love.”
Friend 2: (eye roll) “ Stop sugar plumpin’ me!!!”
The name for a couple that lives in a trailer park who is the brother and sister in law of an L who enjoys leaving people on read and acts bitchy and snobbish. A "sugar and maci" attend home comings together and host graduation parties. A maci is usually tall and lanky. A sugar is the same plus has bad eyeliner skills.
"Wow you L, your brother and his girlfriend are such a Sugar and Maci."
"Dude I know right it's insane."
A small, but noticeable, gesture that is needlessly offensive.
The president is very respectful of dictators, but he doesn't think twice about giving a trump of sugar to prime ministers from our closest allies.
when someone consumes too much sugar way too often
Laureli- how much sugar did you put in this coffee??
Alex- oh you know, 6 cups or so, it's not that bad..
Laureli- you're such a sugar whore...
The name given to your main hoe when you run out of things to say between calling her "sugar" and a food product
"Hey, Sugar Lasagna, how's it goin?"
Male ejaculate put in coffee or tea (usually unbeknownst to the drinker).
"Hey Steve, you like that coffee?"
Steve: "yes, thank you"
"I put some dick sugar in it for you ya fucking faggot!"
"So my girlfriend and I were sugar scrubbing either..."