Someone who is obsessed with taking photos and will often bully others so that they can get that "perfect" photo.
I had to wait for another 15 minutes to eat the food even after it came because Jessica demanded the food be left untouched until she had good snaps of it. She's such a photo bully.
When you send a message or picture with the intention of insulting or bullying another person in the chat but quickly deleting it preferably before they can see it.
Friend 1: *sends picture*
Friend 1: *deletes picture*
Friend 2: Omg that's Stealthy Bullying right there.
Friend 1: You saw nothing.
Person 343: When I see "bully from---" in a dictionary, I will let it go.
The friendship Toulay and Joaquin have.
Toulay attacks Joaquin 24/7 but they are still close buddies which is what they call, best bully friend.
a. complete deviant, a female who feeds drugs and uses her sexuality to get a man where she wants him,then bulliies him till his mental health is severely effected, then she ride him for all he s worth
that guy on the crack pipe had a life before he meet that redheaded nasty bullie girl
A prefabricated self-identification adopted in order to capitalize on a social permission granted to persons who so identify to wield power over others, usually in the form of intimidation and threats of socially sanctioned ostracism as a repercussion for non-compliance with one or more demands, which are often formulated in such a way as to publicly humiliate the person or persons of whom the demand is made.
"I would never have knelt before zer and kissed zer toes if zee hadn't flashed zer bully badge"
Fur-Bully is a day in December 23th where people get revenge for making them do furry stuff. And some furrys didn't do anything to the people so their safe. Fur-Bully is where furrys will get ready to be scared. For example
Timmy: Bro oh no.. Its Fur-Bully day!
Jack: Uh oh what are we gonna dooooo~?