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talk yourself in circles

1. To talk, stutter, or ramble on about something to a friend until you've gotten so confused with your own story you may not remember the point anymore.

2. To try and explain something but fail.

"So there was this guy, right? He was like, tallish, maybe some black hair. No, wait, that's wrong. Nah, I mean he had red hair and some freckles. Right? Yeah, something like that... I think, and he was... umm, wait..."
"Oh boy, here he goes again, talking himself in circles."
"Stop, don't talk yourself in circles!"

"...and it's a little orange too, with a braid belt thing around the waist, or maybe it was the arm. It was black... a little white on the sides... ahh, I can't explain this, I'm only talking myself in circles."

by Nikki Martin July 25, 2009

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Circle Table Kid

- adjective, noun

This word originates in the Hoffman Estates High School cafeteria. Right after you first enter through the glass wall, you'll see a bunch of tables that are round with seats surrounding them. This word describes the type of people who sit at these tables.

A circle table kid is the type of kid who:

1. Enjoys watching anime and dressing like their favorite character to school. This isn't just for Halloween, this is everyday. They wear cat ears, ninja gloves/headbands, and capes.

2. They bring their nintendo ds to school and insist on showing everyone how cool they are for doing so. Hunched over the table, they engage in intense matches of mario kart. These battles can lead to frightening fits of nerd rage and have been known to become dangerous.

3. Mostly white, there are also black circle table kids. These are not the typical blacks that roam the halls of hoffman in the bottom hallway before the cafeteria (the jungle). These, however, are equally frightening as the denizens of the jungle, but not because of their hostility or guns, but because they are really weird. These are the black kids who wear trench coats and fucking stare at you like a psycho. Feeling unidentified with their ghetto counterparts, they keep to themselves, plotting the next columbine.

Synonyms: Loser, Anime Faggot, Nobody, Future Serial Killer

"Hey did you see that pale chick wearing a cape, what a circle table kid."

"Dude this stuffed anime animal thing would be perfect for a circle table kid to carry around school all day!"

"I once saw a circle table kid with a dead crow in her lunch box"

by Circle Table Kid April 1, 2009

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Minnesota Circle Jerk

Minnesota circle jerk

When a group of minnesota road construction workers (usually at least 5) abandons the idea that got them into a Minnesota clusterfuck but are now standing around the only actually working person and having a circle jerk, thus backing up and delaying traffic for up to weeks/months at a time. You can tell its a circle jerk from a long ways away because you will notice there orange vests that say MNDoT and yellow hard hats, when you get closer you will notice they are under a tree or leaning on the work vehicles. Sometimes they will have a coffee in one hand and a cigarette I the other. Another possible sighting would be the ass crack out the pants when he is bending over for another can of pepsi

Salina: ok great there's a sign that says"road work ahead," I wonder how backed up it will be?

Apdam: well if its a minnesota circle jerk like usual it will be bad. First you got the minnesota clusterfuck with these guys then the minnesota circle jerk usually follows

Kid in back seat: what's a minnesota circle

Adam: ahh... It's a bunch of minnesota road construction workers standing in a circle under a tree talking about the huge minnesota clusterfuck they just got themselves into.

Kid in backseat: oh cool I want to be in a minnesota circle jerk when I grow up!

Adam: no son your better then that

by Jesus taboot-tAboot June 18, 2013

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9 Circles of Hell

1st Circle: Unbaptized people and pagans
2nd Circle: Those who are overcome with lust/the need to have sex 24/7/365
3rd Circle: Gluttons/people who eat 24/7/365
4th Circle: Those who spend a shit load of money on shit they don't need
5th Circle: The ones consumed with rage fight on the surface of the River Styx (greek mythology) and the slothful/ones who are lazy lie beneath the water
6th Circle: Heretics
7th Circle: The violent; the 7th Circle has 3 inner Circles
The Outermost Circle: Those who are violent against property and inanimate objects
The Middle Circle: Suicides
The Innermost Circle: Those who are violent against God, nature, and/or art
8th Circle: Frauds (seducers, flatterers, those who exchange money for spiritual goods, sorcerers/false prophets, corrupt politicians, hypocrites, thieves, sowers of discord, etc.)
9th Circle: Those who betray one who is close to them (i.e. a close/best friend, a relative, a lover)

Which of the 9 Circles of Hell are you going to be in, Bob?
Idk, Bill...probably the 2nd.

by Demon<3 November 20, 2007

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throw that ass in a circle

a song created by the American rapper Lisa Lopane released 2019

there is also another song by lil ronnie called throw that ass in a circle

"throw that ass in a circle" like that girl lisa lopane

by lilpump305 July 10, 2019

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the circle of death

If you can't rhyme you're wasting our time. if you puke on the first round you are banned from the circle. Abandom all ye hope if ye don't know what the circle of death is you lick anul hole.

Crap im drunk I just played the circle of death

by jensmith06040 June 14, 2008

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"You're Screwed" Circle

The process of trying to find a job after college in your field. You can't get a job without experience, but can't get experience without a job.

- I can't seem to find a teaching job to use this education degree with
- Dude, you're stuck in a "you're screwed" circle.

by Spike L. November 20, 2008

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