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Pussy Whipped Nation

A country that has been controlled by women (e.g. the Netherlands)

Netherlands stands as a fine example of a Pussy Whipped Nation. In this country men have to kindly ask to their girlfriends/partners whether they can go out for a drink with their mates after dinner. This request is frequently denied to men because, if granted, women would have to wash the dishes and clean the house in that night.

Other relevant social practices and understandings in a Pussy Whipped Country such as the Netherlands are:

Men take paternity leave from work when their partners have a baby. The reason for this is that women don't find it fair to jeopardise their careers because of the drawbacks of maternity leave.

Men look like women dressed as men. Women look like men dressed as women.

When men gather around a table for some drinks they constantly make jokes about each other. They find it ridiculous being men. When women gather around a table for some drinks they make jokes about their men. They find them ridiculous as well.

When men buy a boat, women fill the deck with flower pots, chairs, and tables so that the boat cannot sail and distract men from their household duties. Amsterdam is filled with these ‘flower-potted boats’.

When men get ill, women feel abused because then they have to get the groceries from the shop, wash the dishes, cook, mop the floor, and do other lowly male activities.

by T-Student Distributed March 7, 2012

40👍 5👎

National Booty Day

Every August 31 we celebrate national booty day to appreciate the big bootys in this world 🍑 we should all celebrate this day by sending someone we love a booty picture, or go crazy with twerking

Person 1: “Today we are celebrating national booty day

Person 2: damn I never knew! Better flaunt my booty

by Big booty appreciate August 31, 2019

26👍 3👎

National Becca Day

National Becca day is on March 30th. This is a day to celebrate all Beccas, Rebeccas and Beckys. Treat them as if they were Queens. Shower all Beccas with presents! This day comes from the ancient Greek godess Rebecca's birthday. We celebrate all Rebeccas today and treat them as Goddesses and Queens.

1. Guess what!
2. What?
1. Today is National Becca Day!
2. Yay, i love all Beccas.

by RebeccaTheBest. March 30, 2011

50👍 7👎

National Rape Day

National rape day is disgusting 🤮 why would u want to rape and innocent person when they did NOTHING to you it doesn’t make any sense at all for men to come up with a day to rape women/girls it doesn’t make any sense if you are a man seeing this rn u should ROT in JAIL!!😁 that will make me happy 😊

National rape day is sh!t

by Malfoyd April 7, 2021

788👍 181👎

national thot day

When you see a thot clap

National thot day

by pink4ever224 March 18, 2015

38👍 5👎

National Blake Day

National Blake Day - December 20th: The whole day you can only speak to Blake and nobody else

Grace: “I want to speak to my friend”
Blake: “No it’s National Blake Day”
Grace: “Fine... I guess I’m stuck with you”

by blakelamude December 19, 2018

National Gia Day

On the 3rd of July, Gia’s get to celebrate their own day. It is a day of fun and friends. It’s the day in which Gias are special.

It’s the 3rd of July. Happy National Gia Day

by Johnny B the great July 5, 2021