the act of killing yourself, but more specifically, driving yourself off a cliff listening to “this is me trying” by taylor swift
“i have to go to school tomorrow. i want to this is me trying myself”
“i’ll join you”
Subreddit run by the partially communist eris where people can't decide if they are maoists or khruschevists
is Please Call Me Red Scarf actually communist?
'gelp me' means someone misspelt 'help me'
Person A: gelp me
Person B: you mean help?
Noah = Faggot
Fag = cigarette in British slang
Yo, pass me a Noah, would you?
I made my decision, and I stand by it.
I’m so happy to eat alone if those around me do not agree.
I am confident that my decision was for the best,
“you won’t see me crying in my soup “
when someone is being a bitch so you say Suck Me
billy:i hate you
josh:suck me then