What happens when you freeze/refrigerate Pre made boba drink for a long period of time. The balls harden and loose the bounciness and joy of freshly made boba and become hard bitter raisin like balls of misery.
Dumbass Joe: damn I'm full asf I should probably save my boba for tomorrow and put it in the refrigerator
16 hours later
Yuck my boba turned into bitter balls! Why Lord why!
An entity living in Visby on the island Gotland whose sole purpose is to tickle the balls of male humans while they are asleep
Oskar- Yo I heard there is a new Visby ball tickler roaming around right now
Noa- Yea its me 😈 😈
Oskar- What?? well idc because i dont live there
A person who loiters ate the Brawl-hall.com forums.
usually an teenagers who has nothing better to do than hurl insults and racial slurs. they usually act like they are older and brag about all of their acomplishments and how much they hate themselves. Gay porn is a staple of their internet diet as is self inflicted voilence.
Those ball haulers need to take a short fall with a quick stop
its fucking amazing. the taste of cheese is amazing.
licking balls means to burn off your uncles pants and go down on him and lick his smelly cheese balls.
When someone is trying to get something off you all the time by being rude.
"Hey Tony, I heard you just got paid."
"I just gave you 20 bucks last week, you really scooch my balls!"
A variation of the traditional show ball. When you let a guy cum in your mouth, pretend to brush your teeth, go to you parent's house for three days before the wedding, show up at the wedding, and when the priest says "you may kiss the bride," you spit he cum back into their mouth during the kiss. Bonus points if they cum in their pants.
Last weekend I married the love of my life and she White Dress Snow Balled me. She really gave me a mouthful!
When (usually) two females are having sexual inter course and one female inserts her middle and ring finger into the vaginal opening , and her thumb in the anus.
In bed, her favorite sex move is holding the bowling ball.