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when you post almost naked pictures of yourself.

The celeb can very to different celebrities that have leaked kinds of photos, its just miley cyrus is a huge and recent star.

Miley cyrus leaked photos of her almost all naked

If you post pictures on facebook or get them leaked you "pulled-a-mileycyrus"

or if you start hitting someone
you can change it to


by xxxcccyu July 30, 2010

Pull an Ark

To say something completely random in order to change the current topic of conversation.

Person 1: So i got a vesectomy today.
Person 2: So no more kids huh?
Person 3: BUTTSECKS!
Person 2: Hows the buttsecks working out for you?
Person 1: Don't Pull an Ark on me!

by yearghable December 21, 2006

pulling a doodlebug

Named after a certain university student who goes by the nickname "Doodlebug."

Def 1: When you're so tired that you pass out and no one is able to wake you up.

Def 2: When you say you'll be back after a short nap and wind up sleeping for 2+ hour(s).

"She said she'd nap for twenty minutes, but she wound up pulling a doodlebug and was late to the lecture instead."

by Butts A Plenty January 22, 2012

pulling a giulia

pulling a giulia is when you spam call someone over and over to annoy them

Jack: "Yo bro we should pull a Giulia"
Shawn: "what?"
Jack: "pulling a giulia, like when you spam call them"
Shawn: "oh yeahhhh"

by DADDY PADDY March 19, 2022

Pulled an Alexis

To pass out; to black out

It was so hot today I almost pulled an alexis!

by Pull an Alexis March 15, 2022

Pulling a Jacob

When you are in a conversation but completely ignore everything that is said. Then a few minutes later you repeat parts of the conversation that were already discussed.

We just finished discussing our dinner plans when my friend began pulling a jacob and asked what we were going to do for dinner.

by billyinsertrandomnumbershere November 17, 2023

pull a trump

To automatically judge anything without even knowing the person or thing

I don't like pie ( response) don't pull a trump

by Bloudybaron January 11, 2017