1. Generally used to describe a man of homosexual nature.
2. Those pieces of shits who keep adding their girlfriend/best friend's name to urbandictionary and try to suck them off with praise.
1. It took me a while to get out of the closet, but now, Arin knows that I'm gay.
1. Jesus fucking christ, can you autists stop doing this?
getting off before 1:30am and ditching the bois
1:00 hey ima get off
The bois: thats gay tho
A word that is associated with "bad" and also means a guy that just likes another dude.
Jimmy: *walks into your living room with some orange juice*
Jimmy: *Trips*
You: "Oh my dayys Jimmy, why are you so gay?"
people on this sites favourite insult
strawman 1: I like (insert thing here)
urban dictionary user: HAH YOUR FUCKING GAY NERD
strawman 1: awww *proceeds to kill themself*
urban dictionary user: I WON THAT ARGUMENT!