Face Rock - verb action
when something hits your face and you keep it
I got face rock the other day at Downtown Disney
When you flip someone off with a simple look.
When Randy agreed with the ludicrous sarcastic comment in a leadership meeting and got called on it he shot me the face finger.
an unattractive person, ugly
You are a doo doo faced person.
Face-Ass was coined by LiL' Gang$ta in 1999. It means to act brainless, similar to the word Dumb-Ass.
Person 1: I need another drink
Person 2: Gotta always have a drink Face-Ass
To black an eye of a bitch who thinks she’s “pretty” and talks shit
She keep on talking shit ima give that bitch a pretty face shiner, stank cooper pussy hoe!
a grimace girls usually do when they see a dick pic.
girl chilling on her phone
*dic pic sent*
she make a dick face.
When someone is being a jerk, another word is a dick face.
“You dick face!”