When you want to get farted down dirty style
"Fart me down daddy"
When you mistype fuck me as as guck me
1: There’s 2 as in the definition
2: guck me
a weird sentince
"if some dude smacked me, I'd smack him back".
What a cocky person says when they think they’re superior to younger acquaintances.
“ thanks man “
“ yah you better thank me, respect me I’m a senior “
When you found something very funny or entertaining
that last picture sweeted me!
(UK equivalent to “it killed me”)
(Partly from an internet trend) used to have it said in a funner way
Tell it to me straight, doc.
Doc: you have have testosterone cancer
Now tell it to me gay
Doc: Oh I have so tea for for you, you have NO manly.
Its asking if you want to help me hide a body which refers to having smacked someone very very hard...
Will u help me hide a body?
ehhh no
Come on it's laying there just on the floor
"runs away"