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color me out

To get the check . Similar to coloring in your chips at a casino

I’ll have one more beer then color me out ..

by Jailer1990 September 17, 2021

group me baiter

A person who incites riots on group texts, but pretends to be each persons friend in private.

He made a comment on the text that got everyone riled up, the dick is a group me baiter!

by itsayight January 29, 2015

use my words against me

When you lose your integrity.

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC): I want you to use my words against me.

by onewindows November 17, 2020

cans are near me

Scared to enter meaningful conversations, afraid of games like telephone or germs in any given public setting, avoids crowds because “cans are near me !!!”

Perplexed, he often has meek outlook about degenerative cans disease being passed down through his Italian heritage.

Cans are near me!!!

by Canzz January 19, 2023

Flood me

To send someone a bunch of pictures and videos of yourself.


Him: Can you FLOOD me real quick?

Her: What does flood me mean?
Him: Send me a bunch of pics and videos of you.

by @Therealyvng4ever August 11, 2022

this vexes me

A common term used among House M.D. fans. (Particularly the r/okbuddyvicodin subreddit) Used as a reaction meaning literally anything. I don't know.

Someone: Wow, this is a weird meme!
Us: This vexes me.

by galvanizedwoodstaples February 22, 2024

help me funk

To help a person get incredibly horny to the point that they explode into a ball of lumpy chodes. This is usually done with a banana.

Could you help me funk

by lord_fabulous November 27, 2015