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Ball dangler

A person who dangles upon a man’s balls for as long as they can while the man hangs from a pole.

A popular sport aimed to test one’s endurance. Typically performed at strip clubs or in front of squatters homes.

Bro Josh is such a ball dangler! He hung on my balls so long they started to turn a different color!

Billy is a professional ball dangler.

by MadHat March 20, 2024

Ball ruffler

When you are on top of a chick fucking her and ahe lets out a fart that ruffles your nutsack. That, my friend, is a ball ruffler.

That bitch totally gave me a ball ruffler.

by Scuffthestuff October 14, 2017

suck my balls

A popular astronaut game that people on the internet won't shut the fuck up about.

"you can SUCK MY BALLS"

by your mooooooooooooooooooooooom November 8, 2022

Suck my balls

Oh shit

A: did you study for the maths test?
S: suck my balls👹🧍🏻 ♂️ we have a test ??

by aly3ahfsh March 12, 2024

Suck my balls

Some body is sucking your balls


Suck my balls tummy

by Enderboyplayzyt June 14, 2019

1👍 2👎

suck my balls

a cute and sassy way of saying “thank you for your input

Person #1: “wow, that was incredible! maybe more vibrato on that last note.”
Person #2: “suck my balls, i’ll keep that in mind

by peoneolope March 16, 2023

Spinning Beach Ball of Death

The rainbow-colored beach ball/pinwheel that pops up whenever you force-close an app or your mac is slow.

Guy1: I got the spinning beach ball of death again
Guy2: So? Who cares?

by fakename06 December 29, 2018