When an old Vietnam vet who hasn't been with or seen a woman in so long throws a foot stomping, yelling rager, childlike tantrum fit when things aren't going just the way he wants.
"Why is the f**** door locked again??!!"
"WHY IS THE F**** DOOR LOCKED AFTER I TOLD YOU I DON'T WANT THE DOOR LOCKED???!!!!!!" (As the old vet is pulling a Rumpelstiltskin)
"Why are you yelling at me?"
Old man looking bewildered....finally he says, "What do you mean? I wasn't yelling?"
Woman renter thinking, "It's time for me to leave here."
A person who loves to ask the admin of a discord server to give them roles which they lost back
A: Can I get my roles back? it's been 2 minutes
B: Dude stop pulling a Boat
It's like a pill popper but you pull other people into popping pills too
My cousin got me and my friends into Xanax she's a total pull popper
Verb - Hurting one self (usually while intoxicated)
Damnit Janice, you need to stop pulling a Presh when we have girls night out !
Fucking a girl so bad that she becomes a lesbian
"Your ex fucks girls now, damn bro you pulled a Chawla "
1. Backstabbing a friend to get with their girlfriend.
2. Not allowing their girlfriend to go out with friends, talk to certain people, or be anywhere outside of a 1 foot radius of him.
3. Making their girlfriend feel bad about things when he should feel bad about her friends disliking him.
So john is dating my ex now.
Damn, did he pull a richard?
Yeah, he pulled a richard.
To "pull a Richard" is the phrase used when one is dumped by his/her significant other and in turn becomes homosexual.
Jon: "Hey, Will, did you hear? Carter pulled a Richard!"
Will: "Really? I would never expect him of all people."
In this scenario Carter was dumped and went to pull a Richard.