A magical place of extreme euphoria, where Chris is not allowed to go.
Chris tried to sneak into the hot tub without asking and he instantly vanished, never to be seen again.
Place where men, who are friends, enjoy chilling but five feet appart each other because they are not gay.
"Two bros chilling in a hot tub five feet appart 'cause they're not gay!"
2 Static niggas gay fuckin in a DE
Tiltyhomo just packed the fudge of ruby in a hot tub
when you open the asshole and you take a turd right in the middle and have anal sex with the girl after that.
Last night I made a great Alabama HOT pan with Tiffany...
The act of excreting fecal matter onto your hands then placing it into the mouth of an unknowing blindfolded person, then in shock they swallow it and proceed to vomit everywhere.
Person1: Did you hear about Bob?
Person 2: He got a hot Clive from his tinder date... Still washing his mouth out now
A shit of epic proportions, a total porcelain punisher. This is so big, “taking a duece “ just doesn’t encompass the gravity of the situation.
After eating The Mexican buffet last night, I went home and dropped a “hot thrice” , wrecking my toilet for good.