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3 leet

Noun, abv.

A large bottle of cider containing three litres, ie. 3 leet

Usually a very strong, chemical based cider, such as White Lightning or Diamond White. Often seen in the square and on benches being drunk by tramps various.

Also popular with students, underage drinkers and Hiccups Mackenzie

"here mate... will you go get us a 3 leet and some richmonds?"

by LL Rig J September 8, 2004

Board 3

A social board on gamefaqs where people go to discuss girl problems, alcohol addictions, and being 21 year old black virgins.

This board is more commonly referred to as "PotD"

Person 1: Lolol board 3 > board 8
Person 2: NO U!

by asdfrofl September 1, 2006

Mother 3

The game that Nintendo loves to talk about in the U.S. but never Release.

My friend is a mother 3.

by piss_on_a_bird June 5, 2020

3 Am

When scary things attack

Freddy is here at 3 Am

by 1234567890123456780 November 9, 2019

3 am

A time when theweirdest shit happens

a time of day when ur mind just goes fucking crazy w/thoughts Ex: 3 am thoughts👀if time is money....would that mean an atm is a time machine?!?🤯
A- a
T- time
M- machine
Real def: sometimes referred to as the witching hour, is a point in time of the 12-hour clock which corresponds to 0300 in the 24-hour clock

by ISSAredDIAMOND December 28, 2019

June 3

June 3rd you HAVE TO hug and kiss your bf/gf atleast 10 times

Hey babe its june 3rd
Oh yes yk what that means


by Mike Oxlong 😣 June 2, 2022

smoke 3

to reference smoking tobacco, marijuana, and crack cocaine

"I can't quit nic man"
"Because you live in Florida, aint nothin to do here but smoke 3"

by dinker.dog April 29, 2022