Source Code

January 18

National Toe-Tip day. You gotta just walk on your toe tips all day. No excuses. No weaknesses.

January 18
Dan ~ *looking elsewhere*
Barry ~"Oh hi Dan"
Dan~*physically gasps, staring at Barry's bloodied toes*"Oh jeez, Barry, what's uh...what's going on with your.. feet man..?"
Barry ~ "DAN YOU SILLY GOOSE. You know it's national Toe-Tip day."

by Gu355Wh05B4ck December 6, 2019

18. prosinca

Nacionalni dan odgode pisanih ispita!!
Dragi profesori koji ste zakazali ispit za danasnji datum, budite dovoljno obzirni, proslavite ovaj predivan blagdan i olaksajte vrijeme dosasca svojim ucenicima😍

Ucenik: Pisemo li provjeru sutra, 18. prosinca?
Prof Pandzic: Ne, pisete ga iduce polugodiste. Sutra je Nacionalni dan odgode ispita!!

by vrlo pouzdan izvor informacija December 17, 2023


A nazi skinhead word for A.H.

Degenerate: my favorite number is 18 because of the words in the alphabet

Someone with a life: your a loser, you Nazi scum

by Idotblikeu July 2, 2023


not some prize, not some check, not some token, not a shiny prize. but a real human being with feelings. so humble so smart. understanding about what it is and what its about. a real old sole. you are very importnat and everyone will know who you are.

What's 18 doing?

Where's 18 at?

Tell 18 Im gonna come see him.

18 does not trust 12 by any means chuh.

Always been and will always be all about 18.

by January 21, 2023


A rating of some age rating systems, given to games or films that are considered to have adult content.

A game may get rated 18 if it contains:

- Excessive violence

- Graphic sex
- Real gambling (only in games)
- Strongly offensive language

- Strong gore

- Drug misuse

- Graphic nudity

- Sadism
- Suicide

by iamnotmyself May 27, 2022


The age when life switches from Adventure to Hardcore

"My little brother just hit 18!"
"Sorry for your loss."

by Rui is an idiot February 17, 2024


The age when you can finally get the hell out of your cage

Me: dude I can't wait to turn 18 and move out of this hell hole

by Spacex December 13, 2020