Three grams of bud for $20, instead of $30. Only the good dealers through this
guy: "yo man can i get 3 for 20?"
dealer: "shiiiiiiit aight"
guy: "preems"
3๐ 20๐
A privileged guy's term for rape.
1. "That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action," said the sex offender's daddy, upon hearing of his son's effective 3-month sentence for raping an unconscious girl.
2. Man, you gotta try the fresh meat in cellblock C. Only took 20 minutes of action before I nutted. Mmmm, mmm. Nothin' beats a virgin ass.
7๐ 1๐
The rule guys refer to when they think about cheating on their wives/girlfriends.
Their wife/girlfriend is the 80%: she cooks, cleans, gives him all her loving, and has decent sex. But it's never 100%.
The girl he wants to cheat on her with is the 20%: she's very pretty, has a great body, and is perfect at sex. However, she's a slob/druggie/junky/alchy.
(Seen in Tyler Perry's "Why Did I Get Married?")
Bill: "I don't know, man. My wife's just not cutting it in the sex department, ya know?"
Joe: "20/80 rule, dude... think about it..."
54๐ 25๐
The day that Joe Biden gets sworn into the White House as president.
January 20, 2021 also happens to be the day that the Simpsons predict the next Civil War will happen.
29๐ 12๐
A buncha idiotic idiots Naruto Runnin tryna get in Area 51. This day siege could potentially be successful if the Karens give area 51 bad reviews and get it to shut down. Oh yeah, almost forgot about Chuck Norris, Keanu Reaves, and Shaggyjoining in on the raid, so there's a 50/50 chance. OH FUCK! It's the no live nine-year-old, fortnite playing, pewdiepie subscribed, Dragon ball Super Watching retards; with all those 9 year olds going super saiyan 100,000,000,000,000,000,000, its over man. Man, FOOK DIS, im joining in to see dem aliens see ya.
Even though the deaths of The 9/20 Massacre will be immeasurable, that Ali3n booty is worth death.
Refers to April 20th, 2021 when former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty on three charges for the murder of George Floyd.
Person 1: A cop was held accountable?! How?
Person 2: It's the 4/20 Miracle.
A guitar owned by Stevie T and is more djentier than Jared Dines. Come on, you know an 18 string guitar is less djentier than 20 string, and Steve Terreberry is the djent god.
Jared: I'm the djent god. Your 20 string guitar is not djenty enough.
Stevie: If I want to be less djenty, then I'll use an 18 string guitar, because I am the djent god.
6๐ 1๐