When a lesbian needs some real penis just for change
Susan has been so grouchy for the last week, I think she needs some get right.
when your girl is bored but knows she can’t get better so she’s hanging on by a pre shaved pubic hair and in a few weeks she will be begging you back. And you will simply shave her pussy too shreds
The Need for Speed is a famous line, said by Tom Cruise in the original Top Gun (1986) The line is usually said by people who enjoy anything related with doing something at high velocities such as skydiving.
I feel the need, the need for speed.
-Tom Cruise as Cpt. Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell (Top Gun 1986)
-Anthony Edwards as Nick 'Goose' Bradshaw (Top Gun 1986)
A bitch who needs to stfu and go suck some dick and hop off mine
a bitch who needs to chill
So excited you get wet and need a towel to clean up
Patient: Doc how was my procedure?
Doc: it went so well good that I need a towel!
Sadie or Zora if your reading this in the future hey mamas saddle maryyy gross hYEYY peepooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
The ultimate compliment which can be bestowed. Most appropriately used when serving looks to legendary children. Popularized by the television series Legendary and used liberally among YouTubers Peter Monn and Munoz (kinda).
Pam: Honey, that look is a ten out of ten.
You did what needed to be done.