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Football, American

A seasonal sport played on an oversized lawn by over grown men wearing form fitting uniforms, that leave nothing to the imagination. The basic point of the game is to capture the remainders of a dehydrated pig and carry it which has been shaped in the form of an egg (which makes me think the game originated around the famous breakfast of Bacon and eggs), and avoid the group hugs the opposing team is trying to include you in, to your side of the lawn. There you wiggle your butt, jump up and down and listen to the audience yell at you to shake your moneymaker again.

football, american touchdown pigskin nfl

by CountryComet March 11, 2014

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

European American

To be a white American/ Caucasian in the United States of American.

I am Hispanic American, and John Smith is European American.

Every white Person living in America is a European American.

Only Native Americans are Americans.

by Beltrรกn July 24, 2021

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

An American In Paris

When two men Eiffel Tower a girl while a third guy masturbates in the corner.

Bjorn: Dude what a sick "An American in Paris" last night... me and Tim were totally hitting that!

Regis: Yeah but I don't want to be the guy in the corner next time!

by Tourist in Paris April 27, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

american eagle

A real great clothing store. They sell very cute and casual clothes.
Personally i like AE more than Hollister because Hollister just seem too beach bummy..theres holes in everything and the clothes dont seem to fit anyone in the :large: catagory,But AE fits everyone and has different types of clothing not only for preps. if you walk into the store they play a wide variety of music.
Oh, and their models actually show the clothing...not their bodies haha.
I've been shopping at AE for 5 years(before it was popular) and they have not changed their comfy casual clothing. My all-time favorite store.
And for those who hate American Eagle just because its popular...try on a shirt...theres a reason this place is so popular :

i like the american eagle clearance rack ahaha

by Mhelai November 4, 2006

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American Idol

Entertainment for people with no lives.

The only two good things about American Idol are Simon Cowell (hot) and Constantine Maroulis (hotter).

by Lady Pain March 8, 2005

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Gorilla American

A well known race of americans who cannot seem to act civilized and are persistant underachievers in acedemia and overachievers in crime.This race of humans(gorilla americans)strongly resembles thier simian counterpart who lives in the jungle.

Tyrone is a proud Gorilla American,but that is the reason he has been in prison 14 times.

by tickyul May 14, 2008

46๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Pussy

An American pussy is a pussy that has very small pussy lips -or "labia minora"...
If the legs aren't wide open the pussy looks like a straight line and nothing hangs outside(Just like a young undeveloped one, we used to touch before the high school years.)...
Usually, for the full effect it has to be hairless.
Also, american pussies stay prettier over time, and don't become as saggy as big lipped pussies do...

Dude A: Dude, d'ya fuck that ho already?!
Dude B: Fuck yeah, and you know what?! She was fully loaded with an American pussy!!!
Dude A: Oh man, American pussy's da shiznit!
Dude C: Yeea!

by AmericanPussyLover November 8, 2009

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