PLAYED. Only happens to the worst... watch your back. We ready to boof #boofintime
We boofed Sabrina so hard last night and we’re just getting started.
To dunk a basketball on someone in a
Aggressive manner
Anthony Edwards just BOOFED on Derek Jones!
To throw up
“Dude, Tim boofed all over my bed last night. He was so drunk!”
Boof/boofed: To defeat or to wreck an opponent; referring to a dual/fight. To destroy.
John boofed Ronny in the fight.
Jeremy was known to boof his enemies in battle.
Boof: *not sexual*
To wreck someone in battle/in a fight; To destroy someone.
To win a fight.
Ronny was boofed in the battle against James.
"Did you boof the opponent?"
Origin: Vancouver
Definition: to be very full from food after pleasant feasting.
That jollibee got me boofed right now fam