Usually you say this to someone who plays baseball and is really good looking
Your a Summers Catch
When you contract more than one STD from one sexual partner, and end up with burning pee, and explosive diarrhea from your mouth.
I was with this girl last night night and now I think I am catching the dragon.
A sexual position in which the female places both palms on the wall and is "hit" from behind.
Bubba told her to catch the wall and assume the position.
I don't know if this means that he doesn't have a problem catching feelings, or if it means that he has problems with catching feeling
I ain't got no business catching feelings
Become popular and fashionable.
I don't think that new type of phone will ever catch on. It is too ugly.
The sport of kidnapping wild animals, objects and other random shit and stuffing them in your balls, only to force them into fights with other wild shit and other kidnapped’s beasts.
Person A: What is your hobby?
Me :Pokémon Catching
Fuck off, Fuck you, you got fucked, your fucked
Man i went to Carls Jr. And asked for a Coke and they gave me a diet Coke. I wasn't ready to catch the grenade on that one.