An ironic phrase used as a goodbye. The phrase literally means "I will talk to you on the internet", but intentionally mocks slang terms used to reference the internet such as "the blogosphere" or "the tubes".
(when leaving a room) "Bye guys, catch you on the blogotubes!"
Man, my nigga, we out here catching cash registers.
U gotta catch them all. Break the rule get smack. U can catch anything. Gotta catch it within 10 seconds
Bob guess what. Sam what? Bob catch it. Sam catches his arms. Kiss
Popularized by rapper Nicki Minaj, meaning her opponents can catch her disses.
“tell that hoe she can catch it”
Telling someone who has disrespected you that they can catch 5 fingers slapping the shit out of them.
Tom told Bryan he was gonna CATCH 5 if he keeps talking shit.
“Dub” is commonly used as slang for “win” and “catch” meaning “obtain” or “get”. So by saying the phrase “catch a dub” to somebody, you would be asking them if they would like to play a game with you and attempt to win.
You trying to catch a dub on Fortnite later?