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douche bag

1) An individual with an inflated self-esteem who is deeply deficient in social skills. They laugh loudly at their own jokes, quote themselves repeatedly, and are never as entertaining to others as they are to themselves.
2) ER physicians

That doctor is such a douche bag.

by FP Resident December 23, 2005

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Bro Douche

(Noun) One who wears Affliction and or Tap out clothing.
Usually thinks very highly of themselves.

Criss Angel is the ultimate Bro Douche

by Kelloggfu!@er March 7, 2010

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douche o'clock

An ungodly hour of the night. Generally considered to be between the hours of 2 AM and 6 AM, or whenever one would not want to be woken up.

What the hell are you calling me for, it's douche o'clock in the morning!

by lorem ipsum December 8, 2009

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Douche Dispute

When someone disputes a purchase or service for some stupid reason.

That guy had a real douche dispute. He called in to demand free pizza because there were only 30 pieces of pepperoni on his pizza.

β€œI want to have all my money back from this flight, it was delayed by 45 minutes.”
β€œMa’am, we were in the middle of a blizzard, you’re lucky your flight was even able to leave. If you want to continue with this douche dispute, I will be forced to disconnect this call.”

by Brett Burkhardt April 27, 2008

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douche sack

someone/something that is worse than a douche bag

He's so awful he's not a douche bag- he's a douche sack

by T Locrto October 24, 2009

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Skittle Douche

noun- The reference to making one's vagina taste like the rainbow or become brightly colored.

Adj. describing someone who is sweeter than a regular douche bag.

OMG babe your vagina taste like the rainbow did u use a Skittle douche!?

adj. Your my little skittle douche :)

by sadddpanda May 30, 2011

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A arrogant retard, self absorbed happy go lucky pretty boy that is hated by all who always seems to be around.

Damn! Fucking Todd is here again! That douche-kadoodle could be a bastard child of Snookie and "Mike" The Miz. Find a lot of them on the Jersey Shore, Hamptons, Miami, stupid or flashy clubs/bars and high schools/ colleges

by crazynazizombiechic88 January 20, 2017

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