An unclean male or female that has multiple sexual partners including animals, and other foreign objects
These days nigs and bitches are nothing but dumpsters.
My left butt cheek resembles a fresh version of your cum guzzling twat dumpster!
THOT guzzles down on the juzzEz.
That hoe over there has the whole complex in her stomach, she is a glop dumpster.
Scary looking people, usually living in small, rural towns, who even creators from Jim Henson's Creature Shop would find terrifying and throw away.
I recently visited a small town in south-central Pennsylvania crawling with Dumpster Muppets.
The act of shitting in another's mouth
Man that girl is a José Dumpster
A fat stinky hoe that looks and smells like a trash recepticle.
Man, I went to take the trash out and accidently threw it at this frump dumpster. I really couldn't tell the difference.
your mummah stankyer than my clit cos its rubbed on the at ham anticipated asthmatic boy down south of the river
“hey jonny! did you see that nanny on a dumpster!”