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another word for sex.

man: i had gender with your mom
man 2: femail or mail

by tf2 pyro June 5, 2022


Gender is the "stylized repetition of acts in time" assuming that all the time, we talk, we walk, we express ourselves according to a generic norm. This is different from acting a performance, we speak of "act" in the sense of performativity, this would come to say that no one is of any gender from the beginning and that the genre does not stop being produced.

(a) you are a man because you have a penis, even if you feel like a woman

(b) I never said it was to "feel" a woman, there is never a being before we do things, gender is performative.

by melyftg April 30, 2021


The grammatical distinction of sex, expressed by suffixes, prefixes, or by a different word.

- source: Webster's College, Home, and Office Dictionary. Copyright date: 1929

Normal person: Male and female are the only 2 genders.

Deranged sjw: No they're not bigot! I identify as zer/zim because I think I'm special.

by Drew Namar September 12, 2021

1👍 1👎


It's a spectrum...

of two genders.

by CuntMaster2000 April 9, 2018


most overcomplicated thing humans made. no, i won't respect you because you use it "pronouns" so you are an object. gender is a lie by bathroom companies, everyone pees and poops.

hi i identify as furry agender pangender multi werewolf grass computer doll non binary gender. use the language i tell you to use or ELSE I WILL DESTROY YOU.

by iiSimplyBrxwnie December 13, 2022


a scam invented by bathroom companies to sell more toilets

Tom says "Gender is a scam!"

by AsksYourPronouns May 20, 2022


Determines role in mating.

My gender is male.

by rest-stop-999 April 18, 2024