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Mason Goggles

When your standard for a guy you would have sex with is drastically lowered because you attend George Mason University.

Heard she started going out with Greg, I think she just gas a serious case of mason goggles.

by PooptyWhooptyScoop September 30, 2021

Gym goggles

When u find a dude hot just cus he workin out in the gym. But outside of it u prolly never would hit it.

“You got yo gym goggles on girl.”

by Lillilsyd September 21, 2018

Red goggles

When a girls take her period blood and draws circles around your eyes

"Dude I pissed off my girl and she gave me red goggles"

by ShadowReaper February 16, 2018

arabian goggle eyes

When you squat over someone's face and place a scrotum on each eyeball

Mac gave Ross an Arabian goggle eyes when he was sleeping

by Mac&Ross September 20, 2015

Japanese Rain Goggles

Japanese Rain Goggles was introduced by Two and A Half Men director indeed but don't you just get what it means? It means you can either do a Golden Rain or a Sperm Sprinkle without actually closing your eyes. The problem of people to understand and this server posting it is people are too afraid to admit what it actually means or play with a thought at all. Japanese were always very playful and sexually twisted. That is why Chuck Lorre used this "made up" combination !

Do it , go ahead, I am wearing Japanese Rain Goggles.

by TokyoIsHere November 8, 2019

Japanese Rain Goggles

Contact lenses worn specifically for the purpose of avoiding eye irritation when performing bukkake scenes.

As seminal fluid can sting the eyes, actors wishing to avoid the appearance of pink eye are advised to wear eye protection.

"Oh Bruce, remember to pack some Japanese Rain goggles for the Hot Rods bukkake shoot tomorrow, 'cause we'll need you bright-eyed for your Army of Ass scene straight after".

by mechalurker May 18, 2019

Pudding goggles

The act of ejaculating in both of ones eyes during the act of masturbation.

"Hey, Ben, it's your turn to draft."

"Gimme a minute, I gave myself pudding goggles again!"

by ElZarape July 27, 2017