One's head, commonly home to the shnoz (nose) & your gums (mouth).
1. "Oh yeah, that bloke Sam has a massive dome!"
2. "Wib looks like his dome is fresh out of dome-ington!"
Used by people from Manchester
A dome is a word which often means a good insult towards another person
"Yo Ethan I started to dome this guy and he walked off crying"
(adj.) to dome
Used to describe area of a balding head where it looks like you're wearing a Yamaka. Usually starts out on the top of the head and gradually progresses.
Kevin: "What's that on the back of Floyd's head? A Yamaka? I didn't know he was a jew!"
Dave: "No man, hes startin to dome out pretty bad"
To do the ish out of someone that may or may not be about it
Sex. Dome
Dome means giving someone head
Dome can also mean a Person with disabilities, its a person who has serious diseases for example Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18 or other disabilities.
Alex: Dome you have Trisomy 21
Domi: Yeah thats true im the only one in FRG with Trisomy 21
Some form of vapable nicotine. Often a puff bar, juul, bang, etc.