a response to a n00b who enters a discord server and begins asking stupid questions or shilling and self-promoting. easily depicted by the color of their username in the chat.
white name: Cramer said that GME is dead. Should I sell?
server member: Silence white name
Commenter 1: What's the name of this song?
Commenter 2: Youtube link to Darude - Sandstorm
1st rule: You do not talk about the Club That Must Not Be Named.
2nd rule: You DO NOT talk about the Club That Must Not Be Named.
"The first rule of Fight Club is: You do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: You DO NOT talk about Fight Club." - Tyler Durden on The Club That Must Not Be Named.
one size smaller than your actual size.
used to inform friends who want to give you clothes what size you want, but they'll get you a size larger, so it fits.
Eric: Hey Dave, I'm going to Abercrombie and Fitch. Lemme get you something. what's you size?
Dave: Uhhhh.... XL.
Eric: Brand Name XL?
Dave: ....Yes.
Eric: I'll get you a XXL.
Brand Name Size should not actually include saying 'size'.
your name here is so predictable paragraph full of compliments and shit written by someone who is either named that or their lover is, or maybe someone who wants to make someone's day but they don't know how to, which thanks for doing that, but there are better ways to do so.
Dumbass1: I'm gonna put my gf's name in here to tell her how much i love her!
Dumbass2: I'm so cool bc I put my own name in here basically jerking myself off B)
Nice but dumb person: I want to make Your name here's day. But how do i do that? Oh i know, I'll make a nice definition of them! :)
1👍 1👎
Girls, he may seem sweet, but he will eAT YOUR HEART FOR BREAKFAST! Watch out!
"That fuckboy named Alex broke up with me today!"
"I told you, I'm a lot better than him!"
a description of the baseball player randy arozerana
did you see that homerun by randy arozerana yeah that mf named randy