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Pulling A Wendy

When a female is engaged in the act of dry humping with a male.

"Eww, was she pulling a wendy with him last night too?"

"Apparently more than a wendy."

(See More Than A Wendy)

by Drydenite November 6, 2007

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pull memory

Pull memory is the place you keep mental pictures (generally of them fine biatches) away in the back of your mind for future pulling* reference.

*Pulling offcourse referring to stroking your wooky, patting the dragon, tugging the tubesteak, etc

Person 1: "Lets go to the strippers." Person 2: "Na strippers is just frustrating" Person 1: "just put it in your pull memory"

"ah crap yo! - the internet is down. Im going to have resort to pull memory! Come to daddy heidi klum"

by SicSuperman February 17, 2010

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Pulled A Webber

Refering to basketball. Calling a time out when you dont have any remaining. To pull a "webber"
North Carolina won the national title with a 77-71 victory in the final game over Michigan. The most memorable play in the championship game came in the last seconds as Chris Webber tried to call a timeout when double-teamed by North Carolina. Michigan had already used all of its timeouts, so Webber's gaffe resulted in a technical foul.

Jimmy: What a great game. 15 seconds to go and we are down only one point.
Timmy: Get the ball inbound Wally!
Jimmy: WHAT! Wally called a timeout with none left.
Timmy: I cant believe he pulled a webber.

by Crunkzilla March 9, 2008

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pulling a fraley

when a guy, girl, or hermaphrodite cannot get a girl's bra clasp off within an allotted amount of time, thus ruining a "romantic" moment

not being able to please a girl fast enough

Kyle: "Yo did your girl have fun last night?"
Jeeves: "Yeah, i got some SBH, she's such a cock ho!"
Kyle: "Really? 'Cuz your bitch was pounding on my door complaining about how you were pulling a fraley!"
Jeeves: (leaves defeated and embarrassed)

by TA-Dj1795 June 1, 2011

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Pulling a frieza

When you and your homies hold down a guy and hit him in the stomach as hard as you can,
like Goku did in the namek saga of dbz,

or like toppo did in the T.O.P arc of dbs.

Guy 1: That weaboo kid got me a f, Lets jump him!
Guy 2: We should try pulling a frieza on his ass

by WiseOldMonke March 9, 2021

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Pulling a Willow

Getting shit faced at a bowling alley because of you are:

1). A tool
2). Need an excuse for why you suck at bowling
3). An Alcoholic
4). An underage idiot who is begging to get caught because you are throwing the ball from their seats and shouting at families next to you

Example 1:
Person 1: Did you really just chug that entire bottle? We are at a bowling not a fucking frat party, Jesus

Person 2: Shut Up, I can handle this, I'm fine, I got his, don't worry

20 minutes later

Person 1: Get off the god damn floor and sit down, we are bowling. And Stop shouting at those kids over there, they are like 14.

Person 2: Hahahahahhaha, what are you talking about, Im fine, hahahaha, I kinda wanna dance now. Lets run in the parking lot!!!!

Next Day

Person 1: Hey, how you feeling?

Person 2: Ughhh, I feel like shit, I had to work this morning, it sucked ass.

Person 1: Well thats what you get for Pulling a Willow

by Beavis1029 September 25, 2010

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Pull A Palin

When asked a question, to reply with something completely unrelated to what was just asked. Can be used when one does not understand the question, or simply when one would rather answer a different question.

Person 1: "Hey dude, do you know where the bathroom is here?"
Person 2: "John McCain is just a regular maverick."
Person 1: "Fuck man, don't pull a palin!
Person 2: "Doggonit, there you go again, god bless you.
Person 1: "Idiot."

by Jorloff October 8, 2008

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