Shadow nigga- a nigga/mate/partner whom is forced to be hidden during a relationship or hidden from actual view from public during such relationship..
"Don't worry you won't be in trouble he's just my Shadow Nigga"
when you dangle yo balls infront of a flashlight with yo girl watching
yo shadow wiggle?
Shadow Dance is basically in the name, you could be behind something and your man on the other side while he sees your shadow and your dancing, very sexy indeed when the lights are a different color.
Dude she did a shadow dance and it was soooo hot! 😍😩
the purpl shadow wizard is the strongest shadow wizard out of the Shadow Wizard Money Gang (SWMG) he loves spells.
I love purpl shadow wizard
The beginning of a mustache when it becoming visible, yet is still not long enough to be considered a "dirt stash".
Evan is rockin a day old shadow stash. Sick!!
Manipulation of the algorithm of Tiktok by a group, to catch the attention of a popular content creator and forcing other comments to the bottom (into the shadows). This is accomplished by having all group members use the same emblem or avatar and liking each other comments to trick the algorithm into placing these "popular" comments ahead of others. Specific emoticons are also used in the same formation in the comments to increase visibility. The contents of the comments are usually irrelevant, but the number of comments will push out all non-group members and create the illusion that all the fans of that content creator are from that group.
We are going to be shadowing all his Tiktoks and his lives from now on.
being black or someone that plays rocket league
"What does shadowing mean?" asked Jack
Lem replied, "Being black."
This conversation started in Rocket League