That Sarah has never shaved her pussy. She's got a real twat garden growing.
When a female proceeds to turn of a garden hose, then grabs the hose while its on and move it up and down her pussy .
Man that Kinky Garden Hose felt so good.
When someone drinks the leftover not yet empty drinks anywhere alcohol is serve
Wow! He really must have been weeding the beer garden tonight!
Because he didn't trust his hose. -Shabbazz Spencer
I know this isn't a word or definition but I didn't know where to post it and I wanted to give the credit where it's due
Why was the pimp afraid to water his garden? Because he didn't trust his hose.
Gardens are peaceful places to go to, but what if you had a hand to help you. Garden Boy is a great approach to go to. They even give you free clips of the garden and furry porn! So realistic and slightly graphic with very nice shades of color. As you walk with the garden boy into the garden you feel a spray of cum on you face. Garden Boys can be very handy indeed!
Garden Boys are gay ass fucks:))
a childish term for a wood-louse
"Mummy mummy, look at that garden pig!"