Source Code

Jayden C

Asian + Mexican = GG

G-Monee Jayden c

by big man 22211155 January 26, 2022

C Ferri

The big bang of SHS

Ye C Ferri

Colin did nothing wrong

by YeeYeeJuiceBox April 5, 2019

Zach C.

A short fag. He isn’t a shamed to suck you off in the locker room before swim to keep the flavor locked in ya know. He’s not as gay as Taylor D. He has got an A from the PE teacher multiple times.😉

Zach C. get over here and get your A.

by Taylorisstupidandgay April 15, 2019


A mixture of rum and cola

They were drunk and fighting so I just sat back and sipped my R&C.

by BoxMunch February 5, 2011

2👍 2👎

C++ Developer

a "C++ developer" is somebody who uses (And does not enjoy) the C++ Programming language, usually depressed.

Bob: how is the software doing?
John: Great! just upgraded and now everything is deprecated.
Bob: You're such a C++ Developer.

by kdgonzo April 18, 2022

c tamp

A person of the Caucasian persuasion

You're such such a c tamp

by Pussy._.possum October 17, 2023

c tamp

A person of cuacasian decent (clean tamp)

You're a c tamp

by Pussy._.possum October 14, 2023