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tom clancy

Whoever think this guy doesn't write good books is f***ing retarted. Patriot Games and Rainbow Six are two of the greatest books of all time, and if you don't think so you probably can't read. Either that or you haven't actually read his books.

Tom Clancy is one of the best authors of all time. He also has awesome movies and video games. Tom Clancy Kicks Ass!

by stevedawg13 May 14, 2006

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Doing a Tom

a) Letting the joint go out again forr fuck sake.
b) Disappearing from social occasions unannounced and not returning for many hours, if ever.
c) Watching Saggerz gone wild.

a) "...can i have a lighter please..."
b) "Where's tom?" "Oh, he's doing a tom"
c) Upon video not loading, "oh, no! that's my favorite one"

by Dr. Priznitch November 20, 2007

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Tom McKeating

A Medieval Fatimal representing a Warthog , found in folklore usually large in size and foul smelling. This beast has wild, flowing gagoulash and likes felching. Some consider him to be a 'Felchenstein'.

Particularly vulgar and considered a bad omen for young females in the surrounding villages, due to its reputation as a creeper and love for prawn pockets.

that guys a right Tom McKeating.

''Are you a creeper?''
''What do you think I am? A Tom McKeating?''

by ghettobooty5000 October 13, 2011

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tom's restaurant

the name of the diner that the seinfeld crew always went to. While the Tom's was blocked out on the show, it is an actual restaurant found in new york that has amazing business thanks to the show.

Tom's restaurant must have great food if they always went there, right?

by thegreatmonkey November 24, 2004

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The Tom Wolf

When a state’s governor fucks every single citizen then gets re-elected.

Wow, that fucker really gave me the Tom wolf last night. Can’t wait for 4 more years of ass fucking!

by The jammin mammy November 8, 2020

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Tom Hagen

Someone who has been kicked out of a group. Someone who has been part of something for a long time and now removed.

"Haven't seen him around" yea he's Tom Hagen!

by Joey Slang March 25, 2015

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tom luca

A man with muscles and a really really large penis.
He spreads out Testosteron.
A perfect boyfriend Who is smart and cool.
He is rich and chilled.

Oh there is a nice guy, i think its a Tom luca.

Im wet betwenn my legs.

Im about to cum just lookin at him.

Oh its tom luca.

by Diggiiilol December 5, 2016

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