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somone whos a gay pice of shit and sucks at fifa

person 1:whos that ugly ass boy

by Joetstrash December 4, 2020


The goat

Big dick energy Joey”

by Jjjospehnn June 17, 2020


A person usually a guy that is tall and kind, he is also into cars but it’s hard to tell if he really likes you or if you are fantasizing. He knows a lot of life skills and pick them up along the way maybe if you ask him he might teach u some

Person 1: wow that guy is cool and tall
Person 2: he’s a Joey

by Car guy69 February 22, 2022


A guy that means well, works hard, but still seems to fuck up everything in his path. Like a black cloud making its way to a party.

Everything was going great then Joey arrived and the wheels just feel off the bus.

by Blackcloud69 April 19, 2023


The definition of perfection, a queen and a goddess.

Have you read about Joey yet? She's amazing.

by MOONSOON June 30, 2022


A boy who never pays his child support and probably has had many failed marriages

Don’t be like Joey, pay your child support man.

by AYOOlakers December 16, 2021


A snitch

Joey’s will snitch on you at all times😂

by Cheese is for life my dood April 30, 2019