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When a woman dangles her breasts into another person's face, forehead, or mouth. The opposite of a t-bag.

While I was sleeping, Lisa totally b-bagged my face.

by sukiBoTH March 9, 2012

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bag cheese

Same as asscheese except frontal. Can include both the unwashing of the sexual parts after sex, or simply non washing of the area for an extended period of time.

when you scratch or touch down there and its creamy feeling, then you have bag cheese.

by Digitalcanuck June 30, 2006

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Walmart bag

The specific Bag that the consumer Walmart uses, but we use the word β€œWalmart bag” for no reason.

Teacher: Alright so what is 900 plus 900? Student: Heh, walmart bag. Teacher: that is not an answer

by iPoopEveryDay July 23, 2022

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eco bag

An environmentally-friendly reusable bag made from cloth or recycled plastic. Also known as a green bag though it can be just about any color.

Do you want your grandchildren drowning in plastic? No? Then take an eco bag or two with you whenever you shop.

by BornBlitzed August 6, 2010

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potato bag

A fatass. An obese man. In otherwords, a fastass heffer.

Would you date a potato bag? Hell no, I'll pass on that one. Thanks.

by lover4porn April 12, 2009

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hoe bag

A physical bag that a hoe will carry with them most of the time. The bag usually contains extra clothing, lube, condoms, tampons, pregnancy test...and other such items that allow her to sleep from place to place with guy to guy. Be aware that one might call this an β€œemergency bag”, that would be bull shit.

Tonya carried a hoe bag the whole time I knew her. Fuckin hoe.

by JackClifto September 7, 2007

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Bagging Up

Bagging up is a London slang word for where you chop crack cocaine or heroin and put them in wraps (usually clingfilm) ready to sell to drug addicts.

"Gotta cut up this crack and start bagging up. Need to make some money"

by themagicindian February 27, 2014

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