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passing the buck

To be Large and in charge! Drinking and pill popping is a must. And your motto is always, "I don't want to do it, someone else can. But I will make it seem like I tried."

Someone gets a call and could easily help, but chooses to send it to someone else. "Sir, I could help you, but I am passing the buck instead."

by clive oliver March 26, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

Uncle Buck

an uncle buck, is someone who impersonates the late john candy... usually found to be a 23 yr old, balding, assistant manager from stockport named rob... coincidentally, they all work at gamestop in stockport too.

my god, you look like Uncle Buck

by Lord Jimmington October 1, 2005

12๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

penis buck buck chicken egg

*takes bong hit* โ€œPENIS BUCK BUCK CHICKEN EGGโ€ *laughter*

hi, PENIS BUCK BUCK CHICKEN EGG means you are really excited

by buckbuckchickenegg16 November 10, 2020

Bucking Bronco

NOUN. When a girl is on top riding the man, and he grabs her by the waist, his buddies open the door and start cheering. It is at that moment when the girl will try to get off. The man will then see how long he can hold her on.

At Club O last night, in the bathroom, Sebastian set the record with a 37 second Bucking Bronco.

by Purple Sticky Punch November 3, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

luck buck

Money u find in the pocket of your jeans, sweater or any kind of clothing which you can stuff money into because you're lazy to put them into your wallet and you use them when your wallets outta money or when you left your wallet at home.

Tyrone: Yo Benson you mind lending me some money, I didn't bring my wallet with me.
Benson: I forgot mine too, but luckily Ive got tonnes of luck bucks
Tyrone: thanks man, seems like you're lucky this time Cuz you're a lazy mufucka!

by mrson December 17, 2016

2๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Donkey Buck

The histarical actions/sounds a women or man makes during sex, when the vagina or anus is penatrated to deep.

man i donkey bucked dat ass so good she was running from dis dick...

by donkey_bucker 2000 May 26, 2009

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buck, verb

To steal

Hey bitch, you bucked my lighter!

by Kristen October 24, 2003

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