To brush up against the side of a females breasts
When Cindy was standing next to me I got a little side bucket action.
The act of eating an entire bucket of KFC, alone.
I peered in the window of her basement apartment to see her sitting naked on her couch, in tears, Bucketing Herself like a pelican trying to swallow a fish! -Bucket Yourself
A bucket located in a basement, garage, workshop, or similar man cave, which is used exclusively for urinating or deficating into. Typically used when one is too lazy to make the arduous trip up the stairs or to another nearby spot with indoor plumbing. Most commonly used when wearing ones #sandals
Person 1: "hey man, mind if I use your washroom? It's upstairs right?"
Person 2: "What? That's whack. Why don't you just use the sandals bucket in the corner?"
Person 3, while pooping: "Yo bro. This is so convenient."
A cheeky nickname for a spouse whom you've asked to do something unpleasant, but because you love them.
What are the odds this goes in your butt tonight, poot bucket?
a feamle asshole version of a male prick... can easily be mistaken for a phat pussy licking, twat wad bitch
A cunt in a moist bucket, a term to describe someone being a distasteful abrasive bitchy moron
Damn why does she hangout with that chick, she's a real cunt bucket!
Hay Joe, I am going to KFC and get me a 20 piece cluck bucket!